MTS 501
Mathematical Methods II
MTS 501 | MTS | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

This is an advance course in Mathematical Methods to prepare students for a higher level of mathematics. The topics to be covered in this course include Calculus of variation; Lagrange’s function and its associated density; Necessary condition for a weak relative extremum; Lagrange’s equation and geodesic problems; Du-Bios-Raymond equation and corner conditions; variable end points and related theorems; sufficient conditions for a minimum; isoperimetric problems; variational integral transforms – Laplace, Fourier and Hankel transforms; convolution theorems.

MTS 511(E)
Fluid Dynamics II
MTS 511(E) | MTS | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

This course focuses on the followings: Navier-Stokes and energy equations for viscous incompressible fluids. Dynamical similarity and Reynolds number. Steady one-dimensional flow of viscous fluid. Two-dimensional flow and small disturbance theory. Radial flow between plane walls, axi-symmetric jets. Boundary layer theory. Inviscid compressible flow, energy equation and compressibility effect. Unsteady one-dimensional flow. Equations of motion for some specific types of flow and ensuring solutions.

MTS 527
MTS 527 | MTS | 1st Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

This course is compulsory for applied mathematicians who wish to spenalise in the areas of operations research, multi-stage system, simulation, modelling, discrete and continuous optimization, The course synopsis is as follows: Single variable optimization, multivariable techniques and gradient method; Linear programming models; The Simplex: formulation and theory; Integer programming; transportation problem; non-linear programming;Quadratic programming; Kuhn-Tucker methods; Optimality criteria; Two-person zero-sum games.

MTS 502(E)
MTS 502(E) | MTS | 2nd Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

This course is compulsory for both pure and applied mathematicians,particularly those who wish to further their studies in real or complex analysis.The course synopsis is spelt out as follows: Definitions of open, closed sets and neighbourhood; topological spaces, coarser and finer topologies; bases and subbases; separation axioms; compactnesss; local compactness; and connectedness. Construction of new topologies from given ones; subspaces and quotient spaces.Continuous functions; homeomorphisms, topological invariants, spaces of continuous functions. Pointwise and uniform convergence.

MTS 506(C )
Partial Differential Equations
MTS 506(C ) | MTS | 2nd Semester |  Download Courseware PDF

Course Synopsis

Theory and solutions of first-order equations, second order linear equations: classification, characteristics, canonical forms, cauchy problems, elliptic equations, Laplace’s and poisson’s formula; property of harmonic equations. Hyperbolic equations: wave equations, Retarded potential transmissions line, Reiman method. Parabolic equations: Diffusion equation: Singularity function, boundary and initial-value problem. Separation of variables , heat equations, wave equations, laplace equation in two dimension Laplace’s equation for a circular disk mean-value theorem, poisson’s integral formular. Method of characteristics for linear and quasilinear wave equations. The D’Alembert solution for the wave equation. The single first order differential equation. The Quasilinear first order Pde.