It is universally acknowledged that Mathematics is the bedrock of all scientific and Technological breakthrough and advancement. This is because; it institutes a most potent and unavoidable tool for the proper resolution of problems and theories associated with the diverse disciplines in science and Technology.By itself, Mathematics is a discipline that is hydra-headed. It can be regarded as a language, as a particular kind of logical structure, as a body of knowledge about number and space, as a series of methods for deriving conclusions, as the essence of our knowledge about the physical world or as an amusing intellectual activity. Whichever way one looks at it, Mathematics generally concerns itself with the

1. Methods of discovering certain universal truths and

2. The nature of the truths so discovered otherwise referred to as the applications.

Given this level of importance, it is hardly surprising that the study of Mathematics in FUTA is as old as the University itself. It has, since the inception of the University, been based in the Department of Industrial Mathematics and Computer Science. This Department has offered, since then, two undergraduate degree options in

Industrial Mathematics and Computer Science.

In addition,it has service all other Departments of the Institution in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science. Happily, there has been very steady growth in the programmes over the years. Nowadays, Post- Graduate programmes including M. Tech. and Ph.D are offered in both options.

In realisation of the fact that Mathematics and Computer Science are basically distinct disciplines and in order to ensure a faster and optimum growth of each programme option, the defunct Department of Industrial Mathematics and Computer Science was split into two which led to the emergence of the Department of Mathematical Sciences.

The Department offers B. Tech., M. Tech. and Ph.D degrees in Industrial Mathematics and Statistic as well as offer service courses in Mathematics and Statistics to the entire University. It must be mentioned that all our programmes are tailored such that they equip our students adequately for Industrial applications of the knowledge gained. However, students are exposed to the fundamentals of Mathematical process and principles in both pure and applied Mathematics which include Real Analysis, Algebra, Differential and Integral Calculus, Mechanics (solid, fluid, and quantum), Vector Analysis, Complex Analysis, Mathematical Methods, Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation, Numerical Analysis, Topological Spaces, etc.

Objectives of The Department

The objective of the department are as follows:

a. To develop and give academic and professional training an all areas of Industrial Mathematical and statistics for the development of the latent power of thinking in individuals.

b. To provide and promote sound basic practical and theoretical training in Industrial Mathematics and Statistics as a foundation for Technological development in Nigeria.

c. To identify the basic Scientific and Technological problems in the area s of Industrial Mathematics and Statistics and find appropriate solution to them.

d. To train students to be able to adequately apply information Technology to solve real-life problems inthe areas of Agriculture, Commerce, Medicine,, and othe desciplines that require the knowledge of Industrial Mathematics and Staticstics.

e. To give Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) for the purpose of self employment and job placement in the industry for self actualisation.

f. To develop and offer academic and professional programmes as a foundation for Post Graduate Studies.

g. To offer service courses in Mathematics and Statistics to other Departments in the University.

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